Green watch India is a non-government environmental rights advocacy organisation based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, to work towards improved environmental protection and management. Greenwatch’s main objective is to promote public participation in the sustainable use, management of the environment and natural resources in India. Other specific objectives include :
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To assist government in the formulation and development of appropriate laws for environmental management |
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To promote public awareness in the protection of the environment |
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To assist government at all levels in formulating policies that promote rational management of natural resources and sound environmental practices |
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To facilitate public participation in the enforcement of environmental laws and regulations. Specifically, to promote public participation in enforcement of the constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment. |
Greenwatch India assists individuals, groups, companies, government and local authorities in planning and policy formulation. Through our various activities, we encourage cultural and traditional practices that preserve bio-diversity and promote sustainable methods of resource utilization but discourage practices that degrade and deplete the environment. Thus, Greenwatch India is an environmental “watchdog" |
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To help communities around India to plant trees through seed distribution, agro forestry training and there by protect the environment and help to preserve traditional livelihoods and cultures for generations |
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To setup, run, establish, maintain, orphanages, widow homes, counseling centers, children homes, day care centers, old age homes, or other establishments for the relief and / or help to the poor, needy, old and infirm people, destitute, widows, disabled senior citizens, women and children in India. |
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Environmental Management- Measures and controls which are directed at environmental conservation, the rational and sustainable allocation and utilization of natural resources, the optimization of interrelations between society and the environment and the improvement of human welfare for present and future generations by performing Environmental assessment impact, Environmental Management planning, Environmental Auditing, Socio economic Assessment, Solid waste Management, Air quality monitoring, Water quality assessment and soil quality |
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To create an agro forestry resource center, working with people to improve livelihoods and |
restore degraded lands to sustainable productivity through planting beneficial trees which provides a myriad of benefits, such as food; fodder for animals; sustainable fuel wood and construction materials; increased agricultural yields; improved water infiltration and aquifer recharge; and protection of soils from wind and water erosion. Trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere each year |
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Through network of technicians, volunteers, and community leaders, reaches out and provides the knowledge and ability to rehabilitate their environment. To educate students and communities about global issues, our role in the environment, and energy efficiency |
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Working with community leaders in nearby villages, revitalize degraded lands by providing farmers with tree seed, technical training, and on-site planning assistance as the trees provide food, fodder, fuel, fertilizer, and medicine for the farmers as well as biodiversity for the landscape |
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To integrate fast-growing multipurpose tree species into the agricultural system for specific functions such as a windbreak, firebreak, woodlot, living fence, contour-planting for erosion control, and alley-cropping to improve soil fertility |
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Working with community leaders in nearby villages, revitalize degraded lands by providing farmers with tree seed, technical training, and on-site planning assistance as the trees provide food, fodder, fuel, fertilizer, and medicine for the farmers as well as biodiversity for the landscape |